Monday, September 6, 2010

I will try not to be so morbid

My wife told me I was too morbid.  I am going to try to be a little more upbeat.  I am talking with a woman I went to high school with about running.  She recently picked up the sport and has Asthma and foot problems like me.  I am going to check out her running plan and see if I like that better.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

"Fat" Man from Maine

I live in Connecticut, but I am from Maine and I am fat.  6'2" and 305 pounds.  I am 38 years old and I have come to the point where I need to do something.  So I am planning to do a 5K next summer.
For those of you that know me... I am sure you are saying no freaking way.  I am serious though (however, don't be amazed if I am still 300 pounds and not running a damn next summer.)
So I am starting a plan, in three weeks.  Why three weeks you ask?
That is when my foot orthotics are done.  I have started this as a diary for my progress.  I CAN NOT be this size when I am 40, which is 20 months away.